Idiom #15: In the nick of time

on Sunday, November 4, 2012

In the nick of time

Meaning: at the last possible time/moment

  • Victor: Where is Taito? I've been waiting for 10 minutes!
5 minutes later...
  • Victor: Ahh! I can't wait any longer, I have to go!
  • Taito: I'm here!!!!
  • Victor: Ah, you came in the nick of time. One more minute and I would have left.
  • Taito: I'm sorry!!!
woah, time!

Origin: A nick or notch is a small cut made into something. Nicks used to be used to keep score or count something. Nicks are precise and small; So to say "in the nick of time" means that an event happened at a precise or exact time.

a nick in a stick

Comment below if you have a question, please!



So that's what "nick" means! Thanks for sharing!

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