Idiom #3: Miss the boat

on Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Miss the boat

Meaning: Having a really big opportunity in front of you, not doing it, and then realizing that you may never have it again (or may not have the opportunity again for a really long time).

  • Mary: Abby, let's go to Japan!!!
  • Abby: Ok, let's check the prices of plane tickets!
  • Mary: Wow, only $700!! Let's buy it tomorrow morning!!!
The next day
  • Mary: Let's buy the tickets now!
  • Mary: (checking the computer) Oh no, the price is now $1000!!!!
  • Abby: Awww...looks like we missed the boat on that one...
  • Mary: Nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Origin: This one is easy to imagine. Imagine that you have tickets to go on a boat ride; you get a taxi,drive to the place where the boat is (the dock)...but you're late! When you get there, you see the boat already sailing away. You missed your chance.

As always, if you have a question put it in a comment below!


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